This is Eden's Story

And Eden's story is really my story. My name is Sam, and I'm a filmmaker who lives between Australia and the UK.

After multiple burn-outs during my 20's, I realised that I was tired of feeling 'busy' all the time, while other areas of my life were suffering. In the most stunning of clichés, a 6-week hike across Spain with my dad led me to develop the idea that life is a garden. I also developed a really great butt (truly, 800km will do that).

Over the next 3 years I created a playful life-management tool to help 'busy' grown-ups spend their lives intentionally. If you're reading this, it means you're considering purchasing an Eden Planner, and the fact that that's a possibility delights me to no end!

I couldn't have made it this far without using my own Eden Planner every single day – she keeps me sane, keeps me on top of things, keeps my relationships flourishing, and helps me take better care of myself.

This is Eden's fourth year in the world. If you're a return buyer, welcome back you absolute sweethearts. Your messages and support make me as happy as Eden makes you. And if you're new, welcome to this year's cohort of Eden Planner users. Thank you for trusting me with your most precious resource – your time.

If you've read this far, I really think it's time you two properly met. Head over here to get yourself your very own Eden. I hope she serves you well.